Monday, December 31, 2012

Walking on n00b Street

Hello there!

Welcome to my first entry!

n00b, definition 2- part 1, part 2

I'm new to this whole blogging game!  I'm not competitive or anything either.  I'm just humoring my boyfriend- on a whim more or less- to start this blog in order to document some of the things I spend most of my time doing.

Cooking, baking, trying out pins from Pinterest, crafting, arting, creating, repurposing, home repairs, and other DIY's- I'm golden.  Pro level pretty much, in fact.  Well... that might be a stretch with the first 3.  I'm still a bit of a n00b when it comes to those first things.
But I've been crafting and arting (Yep!  It's a word!) and creating in general, and completing DIY projects, and picking up the repair-woman-reins ever since I can remember.  At least since I was about 5 or 6 years old.  I sort of feel pro-level on some of the things I do in those categories.  I enjoy it.  I thrive from it.  I'd feel safe even categorizing it as my best outlet to release some stress.

And just recently, I've discovered I truly enjoy being in the kitchen!!  (My waistline proves to be my evidence too!  No mind that I'm 6 months pregnant with my first child- a boy, I may add) but all of that is irrelevant, because I flat out thoroughly enjoy getting my hands dirty and my creative juices flowing.

If I can't or don't want to work on my jewelry, painting, or decor projects- but I need to alleviate some pent up stress, I find it best to bake something!  Or cook something for my family.  Man! I just can't get over how soothing it is.  But it only really cures my fix if it's from scratch.  I don't particularly enjoy all of the shortcuts this century brings a woman (or man) in the kitchen.  With a baby on the way, my boyfriend and I have been engrossed in the GMO awareness movement (if you can call it that?) and I'm incredibly edgy about actually seeing where our food comes from!  I'd rather spend the time preparing, cooking, serving, and cleaning up a REAL home cooked meal versus frozen garbage out of a tub chock full of additives and preservatives.

Now, I realize that I currently don't have my pantry and cupboards stocked full of non-GMO products and preservative-free ingredients, but at the very least- what I do cook and bake with, the negative additives in them are more minimal than the boxed and frozen "foods" from the chain store down the road.

Perhaps in the spring Brett and I (my lovely boyfriend) can start our own garden and maybe even raise some chicks for eggs and meat... maybe.  I'm day dreaming a bit, forgive me.  ;)
We could totally manage a garden and a few chickens... right?? 

So as I briefly mentioned, I plan to post entries with recipes and photos of my finished tasty treats and meals, and while I'm not 100% on this- (I'm very secretive about what details I disclose about my art & craft projects, so I'm still iffy) maybe even some techniques and how-to's on some of my more beginner/intermediate level arts &/or craft projects I've formulated over the past decade.

I'm hoping to publish at least one or two recipes a week for sure though, perhaps one meal and one dessert?  IDK- we shall see.  ;)

Apple dumplings, chicken crack, FAV's Breaded Chicken & fried rice, banana bread, tomato-basil fettuccine, FAV's chickie-taco dip... oh the options are endless really.  

If you enjoy cooking, baking, crafting, DIY'ing and things of the like- than I'm sure you'll enjoy what I do post on this blog.  Come back periodically to see how well I've kept up with the maintenance on this joker.  ;)

Until next time,

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