Monday, December 31, 2012

A Little Fluff

So, I thought it might be interesting to provide you with a little extra detail about me.

It might save me from having to explain some of my oddities and make confusing, random references in my later posts.

My name is Felicia, my initials are FAV (hence the lame blog name).  I'm in my mid-20's and live with my boyfriend and our menagerie of animals in Georgia.

I have the most gorgeous, amazing, supportive, loving boyfriend I could ever ask for- Brett.  He's been my heart and soul since January 2010 and we are expecting our first (for both) baby in March 2013.  We are having a little boy and could not be one ounce more excited for his arrival.

The instant I realized I could 100%, literally imagine raising a family with this man.  The absolute instant.  <3
(taken about 8 months before we even found out we were miraculously going to be parents)

My reaction to learning we were going to be parents to a little boy!

 BabyFruit Ticker

Okay, so back to filler information.  ;)

I go apeshit over furry little critters.  Especially my miniature schnauzer Webster.  Herr Webster to be precise.  Or Web.  Webby.  Wester.  Webster Dickles.  Webkins.  He'll answer to most anything really.  He's a 9 year old salt & pepper and is an absolute love!  He's got the spirit and activity level of a puppy still, so it throws me off sometimes when I really think about how old he is.  o_O

My sweet, sweet furstborn Webster-Dickles (and my 27 week baby bump!)

I also have two cats- both females- a tuxedo, Stella & a ... a ummm... she is a... and a Rikku.  I have a tuxedo cat named Stella and a Rikku.  Yep!  I loved FFX.
(Pssst!  If you can ID her by her markings in the photo, please do- I'd love to have a name for her type  =^.^= )

Stella enjoys my cooking too!
Note:  the happy-feet action shot right there, XD

Stella, Webster, Zoe (not mine) and Rikku

I'm compassionate, loving, kind-hearted, sorta geeky, kinda nerdy, prefer to be grammatically correct, sarcastic, potty-mouthed, quick-witted, outgoing, selectively outspoken, quirky, loves to be right, funny.  I love to write and edit.  Man, do I love to edit.  I'll correct the shit out of you in a heartbeat.  I also have the most ridiculous, annoying variations of laughs- I'm convinced it's a hereditary curse.  I like a lot of different genres of music, but if I could chose- I'd probably pick Southern Rap & Hip-Hop.  Then maybe some Ska or Rock.  Here lately, I've been on track with some Outlaw Country.  Just depends on my mood.  :)  

I love memes.  And other good laughs.  Currently... I'm a sucker for 'Tard aka Grumpy Cat.  I don't think I could have enough of those posters.

I use Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.  Yeah, yeah- I've succumbed to the cult.

I'm a hybrid.  Of sorts.  My father is from Georgia and my mother is from New Hampsh'ah Hampshire.  I enjoy the South's traditions but have the palate (and sometimes the attitude) of a Yankee.  I hate green food.  I hate most veggies.  I don't do beans.  I loathe deviled eggs, baked beans, cole slaw, and other slop of that sort.    I love my starch and carbs though!  And meats!  (Well... most of them, HA!)   I'm a breadhead.  I love chocolates and sweets.  I'm a junkie for most fresh fruit, although diverticulitis sometimes prevents me from thoroughly enjoying some of my beloved foods.

That's enough for now.  Hopefully this will cover the basis of what silliness I may publish on later posts.  ;)  teehee!  At least now you know what you're workin' with when you read my stuff!

Until next time,